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Logos Love Food-02.jpg
Media Design

"It can be at many media, and also look good".

Even if it´s creating a logo, images for social media or other materials, I often try so satisfy and make come true the work solicited. I also advice to the client what can work better one way or the other, generating a good feedback. 


I have good skills to desing and recreate what the client has in mind . I go showing my work process and if any change is needed ðŸ˜Š. 


If you need and other type of work, like a template for live streams, animated banners, packaging or ther desing,

don´t forget send me a messege😉.

Business logo for "Love Food"

I created this desing for local business called "Love Food". It´s focus on making healthy food for kids and that their parents stay calmed for feeding their childern. I desinged this logo with the intention of reflecting the warmth and health that the business represents.


bombo 3.jpg

Image desing for a bass drum

I made this desing for a bass drum for a band here in La Paz city. The objective was to keep the base colors that the client had and putting the required elements correctly, so when printing it it would keep its quality.



Graphic art desing for "Tío Fico"

To exemplify how I design the arts, I show you this art. It was made for the date of independence of the department of Chuquisaca in Bolivia. I made the template for the business arts, so that for your future publications keep the graphic line established and it stands out from the rest of the food businesses, with its own identity. 

© 2022 by Marcelo Velásquez. Proudly created with

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